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I regretfully didn't take a picture but their is strong evidence it's runelite related but I don't have proof to show. I'll give the run down on what happened. For the last 2 days since I finished the quest I've been putting all my resources in mining, there was no workers idle and I started off by making all my workers idle and then putting them all into mining. I couldn't put more into mining and it didn't display that any were idle. When I collected the next day however I only got ~364 coal which I thought was odd but wondered if it was because of just completing the quest. When it came time to collect the next day I removed all my workers from mining and noticed that it looked like I had ~2/3rds of the idle workers bar full which I thought was odd but might just be there because I hadn't done royal trouble and that it was normal. So once again I maxed out the mining bar and the idle bar was empty and I collected only to get 364 coal again. So I decided to test if this was runelite related and went on the jagex client where low and behold now my idle bar showed that it had workers in there and my mining bar wasn't maxed and I could put more workers in there. I will test this again today.

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