[Question] The new version of rust makes my code not compilable (wrong number of type arguments: expected 0, found 1)

Thank you, it works perfectly with Iterator<Item=T> :) .

But now I have another same error (all my program was working a few days ago, before the rust update).

You can see the code here :

use commandtree::{Command, Process, Job, CommandTree};
use commandtree::Condition::{OnSuccess, OnFail};
use std::io::BufReader;
use util::BufferedIterator;

use self::Token::{TokArg, TokPipe, TokAnd, TokOr, TokBackground, TokRedirectLeft, TokRedirectRight};

#[deriving(Clone, PartialEq,Show)]
pub enum Token {

rustlex! CommandLexer {
    let SPACE = "\\s"+;
    let PIPE = '|';
    let BACKGROUND = '&';
    let AND = "&&";
    let OR = "||";
    let REDIRECTLEFT = '<';
    let REDIRECTRIGHT = '>';
    let ID = ['a'-'z''A'-'Z''_']['a'-'z''A'-'Z''_''0'-'9']*;
    let STR = '"' ([^'\\''"']|'\\'.)* '"';

    PIPE => |_| Some(TokPipe)
    BACKGROUND => |_| Some(TokBackground)
    AND => |_| Some(TokAnd)
    OR => |_| Some(TokOr)
    REDIRECTLEFT => |_| Some(TokRedirectLeft)
    REDIRECTRIGHT => |_| Some(TokRedirectRight)
    ID => |lexer:&mut CommandLexer<R>| Some(TokArg(lexer.yystr()))
    STR => |lexer:&mut CommandLexer<R>| {
        let s = lexer.yystr();
        let s = s.as_slice();
        Some(TokArg(String::from_str(s.slice(1, s.len() - 1))))

pub fn parse_command(command: String) -> Option<CommandTree> {
    let inp = BufReader::new(command.as_bytes());
    let mut lexer = CommandLexer::new(inp);
    let mut iter = BufferedIterator::new(&mut *lexer);
    parse_s(&mut iter)

fn parse_s<I: Iterator<Token>>(tokens: &mut BufferedIterator<Token, I>) -> Option<CommandTree> {
    match parse_c(tokens) {
        Some(ref c) => {
            let b = parse_b(tokens);
            if tokens.actual() == None { Some(CommandTree {jobs: c.clone(), is_background: b}) } else { None }
        None => None

fn parse_b<I: Iterator<Token>>(tokens: &mut BufferedIterator<Token, I>) -> bool {
    match tokens.actual() {
        Some(TokBackground) => {tokens.next(); true},
        Some(_) | None => false

fn parse_c<I: Iterator<Token>>(tokens: &mut BufferedIterator<Token, I>) -> Option<Vec<Job>> {
    match parse_c_recur(tokens, vec![]){
        Some((ref process_list, ref mut buffer)) => {
            buffer.push(Job {process_list: process_list.clone(), cond_to_exec: None});
            let new_buffer = buffer.as_mut_slice();
        None => None

fn parse_c_recur<I: Iterator<Token>>(tokens: &mut BufferedIterator<Token, I>, buffer: Vec<Job>) -> Option<(Vec<Process>, Vec<Job>)> {
    match parse_j(tokens) {
        Some(ref next_process_list) => match tokens.actual() {
            Some(TokAnd) => {
                match parse_c_recur(tokens, buffer) {
                    Some((ref process_list, ref mut next_buffer)) => {
                    next_buffer.push(Job { process_list: process_list.clone(), cond_to_exec: Some(OnSuccess)});
                        Some((next_process_list.clone(), next_buffer.clone()))
                    None => None
            Some(TokOr) => {
                match parse_c_recur(tokens, buffer) {
                    Some((ref process_list, ref mut next_buffer)) => {
                        next_buffer.push(Job { process_list: process_list.clone(), cond_to_exec: Some(OnFail)});
                        Some((next_process_list.clone(), next_buffer.clone()))
                    None => None
            Some(_) | None => Some((next_process_list.clone(), buffer))
        None => None
/r/rust Thread