Accept Your Judgement: A Deep Dive

i unsubbed today because I've been seeing so much of this recently and it's just obnoxious and incredibly annoying.

I do think there are times when it's fair to point out that the phrasing of a post implies some detail was missing or that OP is glossing over something. I'm biased, because my example of this is a time I commented to OP that his post about him believing his wife was overreacting to something he thought wasn't a big deal seemed to contradict what he was saying, because in the post he said stuff like "I thought xx was safe from her" and "I always made sure to do xx when she wasn't home" which indicated he knew she wouldn't like it and was purposely hiding it to avoid her asking him to stop. When I made this comment he actually wound up agreeing and changing his perspective on the whole thing.

BUT, I think there's a big difference between inferring something from someone's writing, and making up something entirely. I feel like I can't click into a thread from an adult about a teen acting shitty these days without a top comment or near-to-top comment insisting OP is TA because the teen must be being sexually abused by someone for them to act that way. Not to mention all the people who just invent full stories to provide an shitty alternative for why OP acted the way they did, even when OP provided their reasoning and even when these stories made by commenters outright ignore parts of OP's post to further support their little fiction. And then OP responds to correct them and gets downvoted to oblivion and told they're not accepting their judgment. Ugh.

Anyway, yeah, I think I'm nearly done with this place. I was enjoying it for a couple of months there, but it really blew up recently and it just feels like every thread I go into people are operating under the assumption that OP is a hugely narcissistic manipulator who is going out of their way to twist everything, rather than an everyday person who genuinely wants to understand whether they're right or wrong in their actions. I'm not saying nobody who posts to AITA is a manipulative person, or a narcissist, or omitting things, but like, what's the point in this sub if half the time people are just denying that OP's trustworthy in their account of what happened and arguing their judgments based on extreme assumptions due to the most basic things?

Like there is a time and a place where you can say "hey, maybe this is a specific possibility based on these specific things" but a lot of the time I feel like OP's get judged TA/NTA based on huge assumption stemming from a "specific thing" that's as vague as a child acting out against their parents or a SO being unsupportive about one single thing or a parent not understanding their child's desire for something. Like all of these CAN make someone the asshole or not the asshole but it's so over the top when people jump from one of those things to "You should dump him he's disgustingly toxic and a bum and he clearly doesn't respect or care about you!!" or "You're oppressing your child's growth and emotionally abusing him and you probably make him feel hated and he will resent you permanently if you don't change immediately" or whatever. It's so excessive and over dramatic and makes it near impossible for any productive discussion to happen.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent