[Question] Is there a default browser chooser for iOS 10?

By way of doing you the courtesy of a reply: You know, I'd love to share it with you, even privately. Thing is, that's a bit unfair to everyone else. So you're going to read a diatribe instead…

If you get instructions to fix it for yourself, then ten other people will ask, and frankly they're all just as deserving. The important thing is to make these basic function tweaks which we've had for years (simplistic bits that required virtually no ongoing maintenance) to be addressed in a timely fashion. The only way that's going to happen is To Repeatedly And Visibly Keep Attention Focused On The Creator's Responsibility To Their Work. Seem high minded? Not if the creator is proud of their work it isn't. Otherwise, it's time to start looking for someone to make a workable, polished alternative, and not some cobbled hack passed around by some jailbreak punter such as yours truly.

I frankly have absolutely no qualms about someone publishing a work-around, though they then likely have to then deal with our unfortunate segment of IP Evangelists, a contingent which consistantly excuses all sorts of abject laziness and irresponsibility. Now, these sorts can go freely go fuck themselves, for if person X abandoned their project after one jailbreak cycle, found better things to do, lost interest, dropped it for legitimate reasons… whatever— their shit is now fair game for a "fix" in whatever way is most efficacious. This is true without question for "Free" tweaks, and goes double for paid tweaks that languish in the abyss, closed source or no. Why? In the later case, it's because you've got people who've come to expect further support for a product they once came to count on and paid for. If the original creator decided to bugger off with or without explanation, then that project should be fully on the table come what may, and piss off thank you very much.

That said, to date, there's been no definitive indication that either browser changer option is completely left for dead. So the best option for everyone is to keep the desire visible, and politely keep the desire visible. Or post a tweak bounty. That way, everyone benefits.

While we're at it, TypingPrivacy (or similar) is another one that's due for a good blowing up if it isn't sorted shortly, though this can be sorted with Flex.

I'll wave the lecture fee just this once, and if didn't care for it, you know where the purple Fuck Arrow is. :)

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