Question Time thread?

Our ancestors are mostly dead and therefore irrelevant. Certainly they don't care, like I say: they're dead. Shit that happened millennia ago is irrelevant. Why are you a "proud" Scot? You might as well be proud of having lungs. Being Scottish isn't something you achieved. All it really means is that you mainly move around and spend your time on a certain small portion of the surface of the planet. It's not even interesting, it's a completely banal fact. You realise that this supposed connection you have with all other Scottish people and these people from history isn't actually a real material fact about the world, it's just something you've put together in your head? I mean you're not linked by some length of rope or something, right? Something like that in the real world? It's all in your mind. You say "the English rule us". That's a weird way to talk. You wake up in the morning, you go to work I guess, you eat, you drink your beers... At what point does this "English rule" affect your life? Probably at no point at all. Again, it's all in your head. Also we're not ruled by the English. In a certain sense we're not "ruled" at all, it's too dramatic a term. There's a bunch of institutions doing things like giving lessons to the kids and healing sick people and keeping the water running, and they're all organisationally linked, through funding and instructions, to people in Westminster, who are there for a bunch of complicated reasons. Partly people who were appointed by political parties, partly they're the particular people in control of this apparatus because they won elections in a series of small constituencies all over the country...

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