/r/anime Karma Ranking & Discussion | Week 12 [Fall 2022]

Not to mention both SxF and CSM have just simply been outstanding, with SxF still going strong with the funny and silly antics this season and the loveable characters and developments and CSM hitting the ground running with its first season and introducing a cast of loveable characters, a plot that subverts expectations and turns the show on its head, with shocking and meaningful turns of events, and just being an overall sakuga fest like I said earlier, not to mention its unique soundtrack and multiple different EDs and amazing animation and fight sequences. The same can be said for other animes this season which have all been amazing as well, this might have been the best season of 2022. However, like I said, it appears SxF and CSM are the most popular this season. People may say they dislike some of the more popular shows this season and give valid criticisms which are definitely accepted yet some people just hate on those series as they're insecure about their fav shows' popularity this season, and I think that's just petty and doesn't even change the status and fact that these shows are popular and have resonated with a lot of people, with many and A LOT people enjoying them. Plus your fav shows' popularity doesn't matter, what matters is how much you enjoy it and what you love it for :)

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