[/r/bulimia] Looking for mods

  1. Not diagnosed, but I probably have some kind of EDNOS. I haven't been too concerned with calory count or anything since I have a rather fast metabolism, but even though I have a rather low, unchanging body weight, I'd probably be somewhat horrified if my weight went up and I'm not too sure what I'd do then. The online tests things say that I have strong tendencies towards bulimia nervous so yeah. Though I've only realized recently so I'm not too familiar with eating disorders.

  2. Being a web designer and programmer, I consider myself pretty skilled with CSS and CSS3. I made my highschool's [robotics club's website](www.spartabots.org) and [my own website](www.matthew0x40.com) from scratch. I can get you some pictures of other css things I've made if you want.

  3. I'd make sure that there is emphasis on recovery and harm prevention. I'd also add in those tag things for Resource, Success Story, and whatnot. I might try creating a wiki for categorizing resources (like /r/personalfinance, their wiki is great), sidebar resources too. Maybe also have a weekly general talk and Q/A pinned thread, since sometimes on forums I feel awkward posting a new thread over a really small question but maybe that's just me. It's also very important to look out for pro-eating disorder threads/comments and people who send nasty PMs.

I don't have any modding experience on reddit but I have moderated on the official Minecraft forums, I have my reddit username on my profile here.

I don't have many posts but I'm on Reddit a lot lurking because I have no life lol; so I'd be able to check on the sub frequently. I'd be more than willing to help out with the CSS and moderating. I'm excited to see this subreddit grow!

/r/bulimia Thread