Recovery weight gain

I can’t give you “matter of fact” advice because I’m going through an extremely similar situation (minus the not purging in 6 months.....but i have significantly decreased the times i purge & only have like 4 times in the last month), but i started with talking to my parents. I don’t live with them, but i live close to them & my brother is my roommate. My mom was bringing us sweets EVERY.SINGLE.WEEK. And not just like a piece of cake, like she was bringing 20 macrons, pound cakes, cake balls, cookies, etc. I finally called her crying one morning after i grabbed 4 macrons and 2 cake balls for BREAKFAST. I told her “you know how much I’ve hated myself & unhappy I’ve been every time I’ve gained a lot of weight. Thank you so much for thinking of me & bringing me goodies, but please stop or bring less”. The first time she answered “put them in your freezer”. This really triggered me because i had just made a promise not to purge anymore. I told her “Mom, you don’t bring a drug addict drugs & tell them to put them in their freezer, so please don’t bring me sweets & expect me to do the same.” This really put things into perspective for her & it’s really helped. Now to your situation —> tell your parents that you’ve gained a significant amount of weight since you’ve been living with them & have been fed so well. Make sure they know how much you appreciate it & aren’t complaining at all, but gaining this weight makes you feel self conscious & you would really appreciate making some changes. From there it opens up the opportunity to discuss & figure out how to eradicate the situation without putting you in the position to go back into the dark habit of purging. I’ve also learned that telling people (work people for me, but this could also be your family if they still don’t understand) that you feel sick if you eat 3 times a day because your stomach can not handle that much food. My digestive system is almost trained to be “sick” if i eat too much, so i up-play that side effect out loud to eating too many meals.

—Sorry this was such a lengthy comment, it’s just something I’ve literally just worked out this week. Good luck, babe xx

/r/bulimia Thread