r/Christianity is leading our people astray.

How do you judge someone to be Christian? If they are saved? Because the Bible does explicitly state that all it takes to be saved is to acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and Savior who died to save us. (My own paraphrasing.) It doesn't say, acknowledge him but be perfect. And I would argue as well that there are so many different churches out there, and so many different Bible versions that it's easy to find one that agrees with your beliefs. So what if someone goes to a denomination that teaches it's okay but has asked Jesus to be saved?

I don't know, it's a long, circuitous path and I'm certainly not saying it's right. But if you've gone to Jesus asking to be saved and you truly believe it, then you're saved. At the end of the day, the only person who will be able to judge us is God.

I think about these topics a lot and most of the time, I come back to the point where I am a sinner. We are all sinners. I will always be a sinner. And I would do best to fix myself before pointing fingers at everyone else around me.

/r/Christian Thread Parent