/r/conspiracy mod deletes post of actual conspiracy. Fed up user creates post asking why.

Additionally, I'll say that I wasn't at all surprised by the timing.

Two days ago I saw this comment from another mod, Mastigia. The post has since been deleted, but here's the (surprise!) cross-post at The_Donald. So, pretty much, you have another mod identifying as "the bad guys" liberals and anyone that thinks Trump may have done something wrong.

This was about a day after Trump Jr. released his emails where he openly stated his desire to collude with the Russian government to influence the election. Unsurprisingly the large pro-Trump contingent on Conspiracy was thrown off by this story after months of repeating "THERE IS LITERALLY ZERO EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING". The day after the story came out, however, the sub was in full damage control, absolutely flooded with The_Donald crossposts making every excuse possible for Trump. At this time the mod in question, Mastigia, suddenly started heavily enforcing some brand new rule where he banned anyone for comparing the sub to The_Donald.

It seems that there was a shift towards much more heavy-handed censorship in general once Trump Jr's emails came out and it became much more difficult to portray the Trump-Russia conspiracy as purely an invention of the dreaded mainstream media.

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