[R/F] Ghostricks for Locals

Ok bud, I just picked up ghostricks myself and here is what I've learned about them/what I think you could do to improve your build. Now keep in mind that what you run will somewhat depend on what style you want to be playing, but from what it looks like, you want to run your standard mansion/rank 1-3 deck so I'm going to go with that. Now this might be a bit long so if you have any questions feel free to ask me.

First, keep 3 lantern because he is by far your best hand trap, he negates not only direct attacks (which should be plenty because of manison) but he stops attacks on your monsters. Your specters are fine. Really think on stein, I know on paper he doesn't seem bad and ghostricks used to have to run him, but honestly? Angel is waaay better than him. I'll touch on this later but I would not even think about stein and focus on angel for searching your spells/traps. You are ok with mummy, I used to run him too and I liked his effect well enough. The reason I personally dropped him was because I decided that the rank 1 spam form of the deck into angel was the quickest and probably most competative (well as competative as it gets anyway), after that I realized that my lvl 1 monsters were all hand traps that specialed themselves onto the field and I didn't really need 2 summons. Witch is great keep her. I really had a hard time dropping skeletal, but ultimately I decided that he just didn't fit the playstyle of the deck I wanted to build (again you need to ask yourself what type of ghostricks you want to play). There are legitimate skeleton mill ghostrick decks out there, and he honestly works amazingly against ba, which you already should pretty much win against, however if you are wanting to win via night in the mansion play-style he is arguably not the greatest though still not bad for just a lvl 3. Definitely want 3 jiangshi, she searches your lanterns and your jackfrosts and your specters (keep in mind if she is destroyed by battle and was facedown when your opp attacked her you can search a specter and then special the specter to draw. Mary looks good. I like ghoul as a lvl 3 for alucard, run 1 or 2, he combos awesomely with dullahan though. 2 Jackfrost is about right, he's pretty useful with mansion but not as useful as lantern. Maybe consider running kinka-byo. He is basically a noden for rank 1's.


They look ok, I don't run dark law but there is no reason you couldn't. i also don't run shield crush or one day.


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