[R/F] My take on a Rock deck. Rocks need love too ;)

Hey so this is my decklist. The deck is arguably one of my 3 best decks and is pretty consistent


2x each of the magnet warriors - Just good atk/def for level 4's

Gigastone Omega - Banish 2 earth's for level 5, 2300 def guy. Destroyed by card eff (even your own), destroy their back row

Megarock dragon - always good, what I like to do is just banish 1 for its summon, and use bulb/veiler for instant level 8 synchro with not giving up much from your grave

2x fossil dyna, deck not heavily built on speciall summoning, really destroys a lot of decks

2x fossil tusker, nice level 4 with burn eff

1x gaia rock plate - good beater but heavy cost

1x koaki meiru guardian - level 4 with 1900 atk and can tribute itself to negate a monster eff (just reveal a rock monster in your hand to keep it on the field, which actually gives me a nice hand advantage)

2x koaki meiru sandman - same as guardian, but can negate a trap

1x koaki meiru wall - can negate a spell

2x koaki meiru overload - can negate a summon (they all have 1900 atk)

1x grand mole - because why not

2x gorgonic cerberus, can make all rocks into level 3 for an xyz or synchro

2x shard - because lack of draw power

1x attack the moon - once per turn mst

2x pot of duality - because don't rely on spcial summoning

1x veiler - good eff negation

1x rai-oh - i only use duality, so shuts down their deck

1x dice jar - good level 3 with power to inflict 6000


1x Stardust - starlight road

2x cairngorn - 2450 atk rank 4 that can move targets around

1x gorgonic cerberus - 1600 atk rank 3 that can detach 1 to make a monster's atk 0 and negate their eff (during either player's turn), and their 2nd eff destroys a monster with 0 atk

1x naturia beast - you have bulb and all earth's

then regular synchros

with the meirus and others, i'm able to lock down my opponent while containing a constant field presence

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