Free Talk Friday

I have been lurking for long time. It was time I signed up and took a dive into reddit. /r/DIY and /r/artisanvideos has been one of my fave subs to lurk about. I remember when /r/DIY has this sorting flair that is all black and white with all sort of symbols. Those were hideous. Now we are back to basic. I would love to see some clean good sorting mechanisms being implemented.

One of the gripes I have about this subreddit is that while it does portray some of the awesome DIY projects completed with set of pictures, instructions and how -to's, I feel that other smaller projects are slightly overlooked. I always check out the new queque for some other smaller ones that deserve my upvotes.

There are other submissions that have questions that needed answer but seldom gets any attention.

My point is, we need to implement some sorting mechanisms that allow users to sort by viewing completed DIY projects, viewing submissions that have questions/assistance needed from other reliable and reputable DIY-ers, and smaller DIY projects.

If we can allow a better streamlined categories, I think /r/DIY will see a great benefit and improvements in user contents.

Of course, we see what we want to see. But it is not fair for others who are not skilled get less attentions than those who are skilled.

I don't mind checking out how to make leather shoes or knife but how can I make them if I don't have the necessary tools? Of course, I could buy the tools and get the will to do.

We need to seperate those (how to make leather shoes) kind of skills from average "how to repaint your desk" kind of skills (if that made any sense).

Thank you.

/r/DIY Thread Parent