/r/headphones Purchase Help Thread (2017-11-09)

Ok so, I want to get some nicer IEMs. Up until now, I've been using Skullcandy Ink'ds and Yurbuds Inspire 300s off and on for a few years. My reason for wanting to upgrade is that they always go out after a few months of use and I just want some higher sound quality.

When it comes to the music I listen to, I basically listen to everything. Rock, Metal, Classical, EDM, Jazz, LoFi, Alternative, old Country, and the list goes on. So, I'd like something with a really good balance of Bass, Mid, and Highs.

My preferred price range would be somewhere under $50 or very possibly $50-100. The main ones I've narrowed it down to are the Shure se215s but, would like something a tad bit less expensive if reasonably possible.

Oh and I plan to use these basically everywhere all the time for music, movies, and maybe even some music production(i want to get into making my own music soonish)

Tl;Dr - I want to decent well balance IEMs between $20-100

Thanks for any advice and recommendations

/r/headphones Thread