/r/singapore random discussion and small questions thread for May 12, 2016

Back during March, I weighed about 138 kg at my heaviest. Today I'm about 115 kg. I can't deny I'm feeling a little jaded with my regime because I've abstained myself from great food for so long and I've been exercising pretty vigorously every day, so much so it gets a little tiring. I even feel like I've lost too much weight because I've over-exercised.

It took me long enough to want to start losing weight. Diabetes, fatty liver and all didn't do it. Living a life marked mostly by exhaustion, I decided that I had enough.

With the help of weight management at the hospital, I started to go on a weight loss regime. I can't run yet, so I started 2 x 30 mins of brisk walks at 5 km/h speed and 5% incline daily. Over time, I took that up a notch to 2 x 40 mins at 5.5 ~ 5.8 km/h and 7 ~ 10% incline. It's a little tiring, but today it's become somewhat a habit that I'd feel uneasy and guilty about skipping.

I used to eat a lot, and when I say "a lot", it's eat-whatever-that's-on-the-table a lot. Self-control was never in my dictionary. I never felt truly full with whatever amount of food I ate.

These days, I stick with my meal times and try to have less rice. It's really hard, though, because I get a lot of satisfaction from great food. I won't deny I've lost control occasionally during my regime these days and pigged out during gatherings and special occasions. Like today, I had Nasi Lemak for lunch and couldn't resist having the full portion of the rice :[

When that happens I try to compensate with more exercise on the same day. But I just can't help but feel eating healthy in Singapore is soooo hard. I don't cook at all, but I feel like if I am to pursue this weight loss goal in the long run I would have to start learning to cook my own food.

Just a few months ago I was in the doctor's room asking if I could be considered for a bariatric surgery because I thought I had no other choice. I'm happy that I've finally in my whole life found a way to lose a considerable amount of weight, but I'm just afraid that it will take much more will power from me to make this habit last :(

Anyone in this country who has lost weight wanna share some tips or your experience??

I must say, though, that fitting into clothes that once were too tight-fitting, having to tighten my belt a few notches, and having people tell me omg you've slimmed down! feels AWESOME :3

/r/singapore Thread