A thought I just had as a cis woman

Honestly youre right and Im sort of tired of it. I am over 3 years into transition, a single parent (a byproduct of me coming out) with full custody of my 3 children and living a normal life where I work full time and take care of my family. Aside from my transition I consider myself a really normal / average person.

But for some reason all people seem to want to do lately is demonize us as for just existing and making up the dumbest reasons to support it.

Like cis people constantly take hormones and it has never been an issue until we need hormones to feel a fraction of comfortable in our bodies. In fact, I also am taking progesterone same us you.... just for different reasons. And Estradiol is a very common treatment for all women during menopause.

So big thank you for seeing through the bullshit and helping to reinforce how ridiculous TERFS really are.

/r/MtF Thread