Rachel's choice:Shows how much the editing and production controls the narrative and messes with our opinions

Alright. If you’re frustrated so be it. If he bothers you that much stop commenting on him. Yes, the texts didn’t sound great but in the end of the day it just showed us he isn’t different from most contestants there for fame but open to falling in love “I have just as much of a chance of “unexpectedly falling.” Plus, didn’t buy anything the ex sold me. Anyone who can fix their mouth to say “she wasn’t threatened by Rachel because she was black” and cry emotions abuse only to go to his classes a week after the podcast isn’t someone I or any WOC should be entertaining.
On the whole Bibi thing, it was just strange. They weren’t even dating and she got mad when he said they were “platonic” b/c he wouldn’t admit to a hookup. This was all when she had a bf. Furthermore, she herself went on Almost Famous and downplayed the whole thing herself calling it “a misunderstanding” and that they only “connected.”

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