(RANT) Animals, a living being, are not things you can get rid off because they are no longer conducive to your life.

My two dogs are currently going through a temper tantrum phase where they are eating walls, baseboards, and vertical blinds. They are 2.5 and 1.5 but they are labs and slightly crazy. Crate trained but we decided to stop using the crates in October (still have them, just in garage). Well since they have been destroying stuff constantly, despite having plenty of toys and chewables, I am so damn close to rehoming them.

But I can't do that to my pups. My dog is going on vacation to grandma's house. The dogs are amazing individually, but together they are terrorists. If one is gone for a vet appointment or whatever then the other just hangs out and chills. But together they can get so crazy. But yea.....vacation time for one. He loves it there and there are 3 other dogs to entertain him. He will be fine. But the other will have time to be alone for a while since he feeds off of the other so much. I swear they challenge each other to eat stuff.

Looks like I'll be getting the crates out again. I was hoping to avoid them but it seems to be the only way to keep them from eating the house. They get plenty of exercise and attention. But I'm guessing they just get pissed when we don't take them with us every time we leave the house.

/r/childfree Thread Link - i.reddituploads.com