Obnoxious Infertile People...

At some point this species will have to change the way it talks about certain topics and we will have to stop pussyfooting about the feelings of narcissists and people who are only here to make everyone else's stay on this earth a bit more shit.

I read the answer from Slate and I was disappointed. "Most difficult time in her life"? She doesn't have a child, that is by no measure the most difficult. The father's outburst was after bottling things up for a long ass time.

Why is it that whenever someone who doesn't want kids gets pregnant, some asshole will come and say "it was the Lord's will, you must keep it!" ? But when someone can't have kids naturally, why is the attitude not "well God doesn't want you to have kids, make something else your life mission."?

Mia is alienating her family consciously, in her quest to have a bio kid. But then when she does get her kid, she will expect the same family to raise her kid for her because parenting is hard, iT tAkEs A vIlLaGe and also she's broke from IVF. Maybe fucking be a good villager first and then make demands?

/r/childfree Thread