RANT: Why no-listen challanges are bullshit

Or you could just find different labels that correspond to you musical taste, or heck, explore different genres of music. You are literally putting one section of a single genre of music on hold for two months. For all you know, you could enjoy Classical, Rock, Blues, Pop, Folk, Indie, Jazz, Reggae, Funk, or even music from the past decades. If ones musical tastes are mainly Monstercat, then their musical tastes are extremely limited, and a 2 month break to discover different music might be just what they need. The more music one discovers they enjoy, the happier they'll be. Because enjoying a diverse amount of music opens up opportunities for conversation with others, making new connections in life, and even discovering new friendships. I myself discovered Monstercat with 3-4 friends, and we bonded over that. We talk everyday, which is great. However, my best friend enjoys Country music, my good friend enjoys Metalcore, and most of my family enjoys Classic rock. I tend to enjoy almost all of these genres, which leads to less awkward moments of me asking to change the song of their choice. And even if after the challenge they haven't found any music that matches up to Monstercat, they will realize just how much they absolutely love Monstercat's music, and they're passion for the label will be enlightened, and they will find themselves enjoying the music more, just by being able to compare it to all the other music they listened to.

TL;DR- 023 challenge might benefit people to opening up their musical tastes, and opening new connections. And if it doesn't open up their musical tastes, they will come back loving monstercat even more due to being able to compare the music they listened to.

/r/Monstercat Thread