Rapist, racist cop. Justice served.

Dude. Don't give Prageru any kind of time of day. While you're probably right that all Americans aren't cartoon monday type evil, the fact of the matter is that their ELECTED (FUCKING ELECTED) representative on the world stage is a moron, a retard and a charicature of evil.

It's also a fact that your kids get shot more than anywhere else that isn't an active warzone. It's true that your evangelicals are pushing and tugging hardcore towards the stone-age, with theocratic tendencies almost 100% mirroring sharia-law.

America is an insane fucking country. Some of y'all might be normal, but America is the absolute outlier in western civilization when it comes to the whole Civilization aspect of it. And no one takes responsibility for the shit state you're all stuck in. 20 years from now, facts will be a bad word in America. Authoritarianism is on the rise. But let's get defensive on the internet over some hard truths spoken from across the pond.

Yeah. Let's do that. Let's get really pedantic and word-cleave until we feel good about ourselves. Let's fucking do that, bro! then we can shoot up a kinder-garten afterwards! yeah! bro!

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