The real game changer will be if/when Cruz drops out. A lot of his supporters are anti-Trump & anti-establishment. How they divvy up between the remaining candidates will be interesting!

Lol, that's kind of funny, when I was in high school, I was in the funny position of getting half my news from the young turks (lol) and half of it from fox news. Also had a silly politics class in high school at the time where we spent quite a lot of time just talking about the political news, and this was a rural iowa christian school, so it came at a strong slant towards the typical evangelical religious conservatism. Where of course from TYT I got a lot of typical bernie sanders rhetoric.
Over past few years, I've taken several courses on finance and two on economics in college, and that's only really shown me how little I really know about fiscal policy, so far.
On social issues, I've always been very anti-authoritarian since I started considering any of these issues. I've always felt we give up far, far to much in exchange for safety, or even just the feeling of safety, for eg. So my only deeply held opinions are like the following: our system of criminal justice needs radical reform, especially in the way it discriminates against minorities, drug users being criminalized is disgusting, our intervention overseas is mostly unjustified, etc. etc. So I did end up voting gary johnson back in high school.
As for who I support now, it's tough. Hillary's history of hawkishness makes her pretty unpalatable to me. Same with most of the republicans, and as I said above, I find it very hard to discern what cruz and rubio's positions are. Honestly, their pandering to evangelicals leaves a bad taste in my mouth though. Trump is interesting, because I feel like his social positions are sort of the most moderate of that side, and because he's so unpredictable, he seems to be driving that primary's discussion in an interesting way. But impossible to know what he actually thinks. Finally Sanders has a lot of solutions that seem overly simplistic to me. I don't know how one can just overturn citizen's united (it seems like that would violate free speech anyway), and I don't see how making donations more transparent, giving congress the power to regulate money in elections, or publicly-funded campaigns will remove special interests. Power will concentrate somehow, and I don't trust the government to prevent this. His proposed tax on "high-volume-trading" to punish "speculators" in order to fund free college just sounds ridiculous. If the purpose is to decrease high-volume-trading and to raise shit tons of tax money by taxing it, then if one goal succeeds the other fails, surely? Even though I am kinda ignorant, I still can't stand the way he seems to talk down to me with speeches containing so little nuance.
So, there you go, guy. My political opinions are still developing, so I don't really know who to support. Maybe someday I'll be less ignorant. Btw, I was undecided when Iowa caucus came around, so I voted Trump mostly because the effect he is having is fascinating to me, and not for much other reason.

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