What would happen if the US drew all congressional district lines to be as competitive as possible?

People living in rural areas do not necessarily have very different lives from those living in urban areas, aside from having the privilege of owning more land, which I don't think we should give them disproportionate representation for. Now farmers may have very different lives to non-farmers, but that is a profession, not a location, and in that case, there are many other professions that we need to represent. A person's career is also not intrinsic to the person, because they can always change it. If we are looking to provide equal representation based on attributes of people, we should probably choose something intrinsic that they cannot change, and I don't see how choosing something arbitrary and malleable like geographic location is better than choosing something else like sex, profession, or race. Rather than complicate things like this by trying to decide which attributes of people we should have represented in the legislature, we could just throw it all out and get rid of districts entirely.

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