What do US Law Enforcement Agencies really believe about gun control policy? Given the grotesque amounts of shootings in cities, and therefore the higher risk that they will be shot in the line of duty, how significant is the group that proposes gun control?

There are thousands of cases of defensive use of firearms that go unreported every year. I personally have used my concealed weapon to defend myself and I didn’t call the police. There’s no police report because I’m sure the gangbangers who tried to rob me didn’t call either.

Especially in a post George Floyd world, I don’t think those stats based on police reports matter. Everyone knows the police won’t come and they have no duty to protect you. Why bother filing a report?

Not only will the police not protect you, calling the police can get you arrested when you otherwise wouldn’t have been. Rule number one about talking to police is don’t talk to police.

Any gun control argument based on police report stats is faulty at this point. We don’t collect statistics that allow any kind of conclusion to be made.

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