The real reason why shills may be out there preaching 'don't buy options'

I highly disagree with op on this

The only "shills" are experienced options traders begging new investors to spend 6 months learning about options before buying them. New investors see posts like this and think its ez pz and will buy whatever other people comment.
Options do help, but not enough for it to be worth the risk for new investors. DRS is enough.

If you have experience with options, IV crush, premiums, then yes options are great you will be rich and help the squeeze (barely) but for people who are new to the market they should not under any circumstances buy options. They are much riskier than people think and can lose much more than you put in.

The options FUD isn't FUD at all, it is protecting our baby apes from having their bank accounts drained. Anyone who is experienced with options already knows and is already buying them, there is no point promoting options to people unexperienced with them. People experienced with options should also know how risky they are and should not recommend them to new investors.

With options on GME specifically you are fighting against the machine that Kenny has full control of right now. If he sees 100,000 people buying 100C, why would he not do whatever he can to drop the price to $90 and screw over everyone trying to get the upperhand. Experienced investors know this and know what to price and time expiry their options on but new apes will just buy a 140C weekly and pray they dont get cucked. We have seen so much how the price does not match its organic activity (a lottt of manipulation) so why would you bet on the manipulation?

Any noobies money spent on options would be better spent buying shares and DRSing

/r/DDintoGME Thread