My wife is mad at me and I don’t know why

I get like this with my husband, and I'll tell you why. We both work full time, we both pay equal amounts in rent and bills. BUT...he never helps me around the house. All he does is play video games on his days off. Which means, I have to do all the cleaning and organizing on my days off, while he sits and relaxes on the couch.

Not only that, but we never go out anywhere. He spends all kinds of money on gaming consoles, and video games. But he can't even take me out to a nice dinner. It's always me making plans, it's always me who pays when we go out. We rarely have sex. Once a month if I'm lucky. Then he has the nerve to ask me what's wrong? Why am I in a bad mood? That pisses me off even more, that he's that stupid and clueless.

/r/Marriage Thread