Rebecca Judd’s last appearance in the Channel 9 news before going on maternity leave

All you're doing is showing your angry, bitter, hatred of the world changing into a more respectful place while you stamp your feet like a toddler and cherry pick situations to fit your ideal world.

The thing is, the world isnt changing and it will take a long time for humanity to change. The world was a far more enjoyable place even a mere 5 years ago.

This current fad of being offended? Yeah its just that, for every offended socially awkward redditor who simply cant distinguish between anything rational and find offence in everything, there are literally 10000s of people who think opposite and are content with the old world.

I have lived long enough too see these social uprisings last a short time for humanity and society to revert back.

The fact that you called me a troll shows immaturity on your part. To use a worn out meme to dismiss someone's opinion is just childish, not adding anything to the conversation, defeatist and on par with the rest of the sheltered view you have of the world.

Its laughable that you honestly think you are changing the world, its also depressing how some random redditor in a world with 6 billion other people thinks they are important enough to change societies and reform humanity in the short space of a few months.

Who the fuck do you think you are, seriously LOL. My anger is that I have to put up with immature millenials for the rest of my god damn life. We failed big time as an Xer i hate myself and my generation for allowing it to happen.

Thats why I am so fucken bitter with you lot.

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