Received some upsetting news from my little gaybro

well you're right about one thing. that gay culture is based on rapid unadulterated sex with people you don't know. this was a rebellious instinct as for many of us most of our lives society and law and religion were all equally against us. now that that's no longer the case in the usa with this anti-gay trifecta we have in my opinion a bit of soul searching to do. do we have an excuse anymore to behave this way? people about your age didn't have to live a life or come of age in an era where even existing as gay is frowned upon. I feel frankly though after reading your thoughts that you're slightly entitled and that you don't understand our history. American culture is already one of stupidity, built for the lowest common denominator, and very sexually puritanical as a result of sheepish follow the leader can't think for myself mentality. Gay men saw that culture and its society and said 'fine if you won't accept us we won't and shouldn't have to follow your rules'. Cue bath houses in the 70s-90s, cue the aids crisis, cue hurricanes from God himself for good measure brought to you by conservative shills, cue amazing art and revitalized gayborhoods, cue awesome gay dance clubs that you won't get to experience because your age and its people have given it up for Grindr rather than having an actual community with people you physically know and trust. you clearly didn't have to live through these things. You get guys your age thinking suddenly we live in this fantasyland where finding a gay man that doesn't hate himself who wants to build something longer-term is actually possible. it isn't. this story is going to continue, it's not going away, we can't carry on judging people with hiv from our own community. The virus exists so well with us because we have had to live in the shadows, we have been forced to be 'discreet', the straight world's hand slips into our own despite our best efforts while giving us the finger. Your generation is continuing this by dismantling our institutions and thinking your smartphones are a better way, no they're easier lazier and require no effort on your part which is the hallmark of your generation. The result is damning and shaming our seroconverted brothers because you don't know the difference and you don't feel for anyone and you're entitled. Such a shame.

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