Red flag, universal background checks and safe storage bills pass Michigan Senate

Under the legislation pertaining to universal background checks, a person could not buy or otherwise obtain a firearm without a license – expanding current law from specifying pistol to all guns. This would not apply to guns bought prior to the bill taking effect.

It would, however, effectively close a loophole which allows Michiganders to buy a rifle without a background check, which is otherwise required for handguns.

The bulk of this is prescribed under Senate Bill 76, with SB 77 and SB 78 pertaining to sentencing guidelines and fines that occur should this law be violated.

Safely storing firearms when minors are present is tackled under SB 79, which mandates a person keep an unloaded firearm in a locked storage box or container. This would also extend to locking a firearm in the glove compartment of a car.

Under the bill a person could be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by not more than 93 days in jail, a fine of no more than $500, or both, if a minor obtains the firearm due to improper storage.<<

For everyone who is complaining about getting punished for being a responsible gun owner, please shut up. Guns need to be harder to get and penalties for storing them unsafely need to be stronger. How many people gotta die?

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