Red Pill Q&A Thread: Newbies, ask away.

Internalizing Red Pill is part of what keeps me lifting. You can't engage with this system of thought without being your best self, and for men, that means being in great physical condition. Big arms, chest, abs, the whole thing. Have presence.

The other thing is my relationship status and age. I'm 38 and married, but staying attractive to other women is essential to keep my wife freshly interested and engaged. Staying more attractive than her keeps her swimming alongside me, trying to keep up. Plus it is incredibly validating to earn the interest of sexy women 10-15 years younger.

The older I get, the more confident I feel by default. However, lifting boosts this greatly. I am more clear-headed, more in command of myself and others. My testosterone is maxed out, which gets me trying to fuck my wife a lot more than if I'm not lifting. (And draws her to me more often) It makes me more competitive with other men. My propensity for maintaining solid eye contact with everyone I see is off the charts. I feel powerful and victorious almost constantly. I used to lie in bed and all the myriad little thoughts I would have while drifting off to sleep were peppered with worry and negativity. Now it's all positive and about how I can convert problems into a win.

With all of these benefits in place, if I skip a day due to my own lack of discipline or laziness, I feel terrible about myself. Know how it feels to lift when you've never done so? You hurt, you feel weak and shitty. I feel that way now when I don't lift. I'm robbing myself of potential gains. So I get up in the morning and get to it, first thing.

So that's a long-winded way of saying that you need to have a good idea in your head of why you are working out in order to maintain the process. Maybe it's enough for plenty of others to just go to get big, but to me, if I think my very life and well-being depends on it, then it's as essential as having a regular orgasm or eating.

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