Reddit admins, are you salty ? (ಥ‸ಥ)

Look at /r/politics (not literally I don't recommend actually reading that garbage fire of a sub). Anything that goes against their echo chamber of opinions is shouted down or deleted. Now, it's not /r/berniesanders or /r/hillary or /r/liberals, it's /r/politics. As in, their politics are the only politics and anything else is the product of racism, stupidity, shills, what have you. That is arrogance on a level that boggles the mind. I don't have an issue with /r/the_donald doing whatever they want in their sub because they don't pretend to represent all politics like /r/politics does!

I didn't vote for Trump or particularly like him (although I think he's a great speaker and a Washington outsider which is awesome), but goddamn I am so disgusted with the modern left. There was a thread today bashing the right as war mongers and killers (based on a quote from Eisenhower who was in fact a Republican), I pointed out Obama in 2016 alone dropped on average 70 bombs a day and got called crazy and a retard. I was not making those numbers up. I fucking voted for Obama and it makes me sick how nobody on the left has the balls to call him out for his drone and surveillance programs, instead saying shit like "he was a dignified speaker in undignified times". This is like North Korea levels of double-think.

I'm done with the left. They've lost the plot, and their arrogance and elitism is their downfall and instead of learning they double down on the bullshit just like reddit admins in their office in San Francisco are doing here with vote manipulation. Wait, didn't /u/spez say he would not pull this shit again after he edited comments he didn't like? Oops looks like they did, someone call Britney Spears. TRIGGERED!

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