Reddit, what advice do you have for a guy who's never had sex and doesn't want to screw it up?

I'm a woman but still, I was a virgin for a while longer than I wanted to be. You gotta take sex off the pedestal. It's just sex. Just sticking x into y or z. Your first time will be weird or clumsy. It'll get better. Virgins tend to romanticise sex. Now I don't attach any sort of value onto sex, but even if you're the type of person who desires a deep emotional connection for sex (and that's okay, loads of people do!), you still need to take the actual act off the pedestal. It's kind of like a skill. You're not gonna be great the first time. remove the fear of screwing up and you'll fare a lot better. Nerves can absolutely ruin sex. Expectations ruin it too. Go with the flow. 'Oh cool, this is happening.' Be willing to learn. Ask her what she likes, tell her what you like. Don't think you can't say 'Hey that actually hurts' or 'hey do you prefer this or this?' Good partners are typically good because they're perceptive and engaged, not because of some inherent sex god quality.

You've got a lifetime to build your experience man. I don't think I was good in bed for a while. It takes time, so don't pressure yourself. Easier said than done, but it's the only way.

/r/AskReddit Thread