Reddit, what does everyone need to calm the f*ck down about?

The whole 'on the clock' thing baffles me. Certain people HAVE to be in the office, to answer the landline phone etc, I get that. Taking that into account, most of communication other than that can be done remotely today.

If I was a boss, I want to see results, I do not need to look at your miserable face all frikking day. Come in within the same hour of each other so that we can all get the 'catch up' stuff over with, then get to work. I don't care if you're work takes you 3 hours or 10, that's up to you. If it's done to a high standard and you consistently exceed targets or my expectations, as soon as it's done, go home. Or go to the beach and have a margherita at 11 a.m. Take your kids out. I don't care, have fun, I'll wave you happily out of the door and I'll pay you the same or more depending on what you bring to the table.

This whole 'sit here watching the clock and pretending to be busy' thing is just soul destroying and it must be bad for company morale. Seriously, just put the effort in, and as long as you are honestly contributing and making me/the company money, go have some fun!! Life is so precious. Time is the most valuable commodity any of us have. As a boss, why would I want to make you miserable by making you drag tasks out or engage in pointless meetings while you could be walking around a museum, be in your favourite pub, or most importantly - spending time with those you love? I'm including yourself on the list of 'those you love'. Doing that to an employee would profit me nothing. It also seems a bit sadistic to be honest. I'm sure this is why you get so many people who have to drag themselves to work. Awful way to live.

I'd be a good boss. I should be a boss. Scribbles furiously.

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