reddit, what don't you have sympathy for?

Tell me about it, as a relatively obese individual (don't look that bad cause at 6'4 it balanced out a bit), I hate how bad of an image other people create for themselves and the rest of the overweight people.

All this "I'm too fat to walk so I need an electric scooter shit", or, "I'm entitled to go on this ride like everyone else" shit pisses me off to no end, I realize some select few may actually be so fat they can't walk, but honestly, unless you gained an ungodly amount of weight in a short time, your legs should be able to support your body, albeit maybe with a bit of pain, but still. When your large, your legs build muscle carrying around all that weight all the time, do they not realize that riding around on these scooters is worsening their condition and mobility? And in reply to the earlier comment about the bitch that ruined the water slide? Fuck her. Do you honestly expect society to go out of it's way so our fat asses can go down every slide in every water park? WE made ourselves this way (excepting those with medical conditions), WE need to accept that as a result of our lifestyle some things we won't be able to do, it's not like they're banning you from the park, other people's safety comes above you not being emberassed in front of your friends or missing out on 3 minutes of a wet downward spiral.

Currently, I don't work out, I still eat fast food now and again, but I'm counting my calories with My Fitness Pal, and while occasionally I'll go over a bit when I've had a few too many adult beverages (crazy how much sugar and shit's in that stuff), I feel kind of proud of myself every day the little app tells me I went under. I've almost made it into a kind of game managing my calories efficiently. I'm not doing as much as I could, but I am trying.

On top of it all, show some pride, wherever I go, I suck in the ol' gut, hold myself up straight, and make sure my clothes fit properly. Sitting in a desk of chair? Situp straight to where you aren't all over everyone's fucking space. Think a chair or piece of furniture might be a little weak or old for you? Stand, lean against a wall, or find a sturdier seat. These people walking around in clothes 3 sizes too small, that emit foul odors and shit, and slouch to where their massive gut hangs out 4 feet in front of them, why? Nobody wants to see that, and I guarantee you'll feel better if you hold yourself up with pride.


/r/AskReddit Thread