Reddit what is YOUR stance on weed?

I have a dad. Born in the 1950's, young throughout the 60's and 70's. I know for a fact that he has been smoking and still does (accidental openings of secret drawers looking for "panodil" (guess it's called painkillers) for my day-after-drinking-headaches).

I am 21 years old and realized this before i moved out to be closer to the university i'm studying at.

I have had a good childhood. Even after i smoked weed myself it did not occur me once that my pops might have done so, ever.

After realizing this it got me thinking. He has been young. I am young. Do i see myself quit smoking the occasional cig and weed at special occasions/ with good friends? No. Did i ever once realize (in my supportive childhood) that my dad ever did this? No. Would i ever really confront him about this? No.

My father has his own IT-company working close to 60 hours a week to maximize profits (i guess), would i ever be bothered about him smoking the occasional pot/weed? No.

And do you know why? Because i never would've realized he did this hadn't i stumbled over his secret stash. There's a big fat line between medical use, occasional (still being functional) use and being downright daily addictive ans dysfunctional.

To be said: I'm danish, so is my father. He goes to "Roskilde Festival" (and has been there the last 30 years). I've seen him drunk outta his mind so many times in the bar i'm working at. But the important thing to notice is that these are the times he really, really turns his brain off from stress etc.

Okay, i'm just rambling on (hi Led Zeppelin) now... Moral of this wall of text: If you're functional while doing it or have a medical prescription it should not bother anyone.

But that's just my 50 cents (3,5DKK)

/r/AskReddit Thread