What sexual fetish do you not understand? And if somebody has that fetish, please explain what you enjoy about it.

I am going to do my best to explain the fetish of vore...although it has a lot of crossover and different types. I think I can provide some insight on where the fetish stems from. First of all - this type of fetish is strictly fantasy. I have no actual desire to be consumed IRL, as the process would be a lot more gruesome and bloody than what I fantasize about. If I were to be given my choice of how I was going to die however, it would probably involve vore.

I myself am into soft vore that involves being forced into the mouth of an animal that is much larger than me, and involves chewing, but not incising (no blood). Crushing is okay. The inclusion of blood and guts would be considered "hard vore" which I am not into. My favorite animal to imagine eating me is an herbivorous dinosaur, specifically the brontosaurus/apatosaurus type. This fits my fantasy perfectly because herbivores have more blunt teeth than carnivores and therefore involves less blood/guts. Dinosaurs are also very large creatures and the mouth size fits my ideal fantasy. If I were to pick an animal that still exists today to fantasize about eating me it would be a very large alligator, but that is not ideal. I'm not very into gigantic humans eating me, although there is a subset of vore that involves that. Like I said, there are many types of vore and I have yet to meet/read about anyone online that shares the same parameters as me for fantasizing about it. This is also the first time that I am talking about it, albeit with an anonymous identity. Ok, so lets get to the origins of this fetish.

Voraraphilia became a part of my life before I was sexually active at all. I remember getting butterflies in my stomach when I was around 6 years old and saw this scene of the 1933 King Kong movie, where a brontosaurus maims a bunch of men on a beach. For some reason I was obsessed with this scene and would replay it over and over again. I also felt similar to other scenes of that movie, where King Kong eats a few men and women and stomps on people. This is the first movie where I noticed these feelings, but I noticed that I had the same type of feeling when watching the Jurassic Park vore scenes and I began fantasizing about these scenes constantly. I would draw pictures of dinosaurs eating men/women and would constantly seek out movies that had the potential for someone getting eaten alive. I always wanted dinosaur toys and action figures and with them I would simulate vore. Eventually when I got a little older, around 8 or 9, this obsession transitioned into sexual fantasies. What is interesting is that I was having orgasms about this before I ever thought about sleeping with women.

The main attraction I had for vore I think comes from the feeling of being dominated, as if my life didn't matter to this animal at all. I was nothing but a snack to it, something to be chewed up and spit out or swallowed when it is done with me, with no regard to everything that encompasses my life that I find important. I am also restrained in the mouth and have no choice but to let the dinosaur have its way with me.

The other arousing aspect is the feeling of being inside of a large slimy mouth, but also being forced to endure the pain from the teeth crushing me. The fantasy usually starts out with the animal just holding me there in it's mouth and then moderately crushing me with its jaw/teeth while walking around doing its thing. Eventually the animal drops me or swallows me and forgets about the event entirely, while I remain maimed or digested. It's almost like a rape fantasy in a way. The dominance, lack of consent, being treated like an object and feeling of pain mixed with pleasure are all part of the fantasy.

It kind of sucks, because it’s a fantasy that I can never live out, and it would be hard to simulate with my girlfriend. Also, as a male I am usually expected to be the dominant one in the bedroom (not always, but usually) and this leads to a clash in my sexual identity. I feel like I have 2 sexual identities - one attached to dinosaurs / king kong eating me, and the other to women. Don't get me wrong, I still love the idea of women and typical sex. However sometimes I strongly prefer these vore fantasies that surface.

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