Reddit, what was your "It's totally not a phase, mom/dad!" that ended up being just a phase?

I know I'm not always right, nor do I claim to be. I just have the opinion that on average, people, or rather Americans are generally more entitled than most other people, and to me it seems that this deep rooted American entitlement grants the validity of a victim mindset. Almost like, "I'm entitled to my feelings, so you should be ashamed and ridiculed whenever you hurt them" I see it everywhere and it's so goddamn exhausting. It's not like the Amazing Atheist has NO friends because a couple guys on reddit think he's a big meanie. If he can back up his claims with evidence, I say he's ENTITLED to every drop of animosity he decides to spread, regardless of whether or not some people can or can't handle it. I simply think that most younger Americans are WAY too soft and entitled, SO quick to assume the victim complex, and the fetal position. (I'm only 21 btw) Cry me a river if you don't like facts, and he's a SATIRIST. If he makes a rape joke that you can't handle, you're a fucking baby. Yes, rape is obviously horrendous in any way shape or form, but does making a joke about it, in any way shape or form AUTOMAGICALLY make you a terrible person?? How do you make such a massive leap in judgement? It's just a fucking joke, no matter the subject. It's not a sacred subject, because the entire point of being a satirist is that there are none. I feel like most people who defend other people that claim to be offended by something that's just silly to get offended about, are only doing so to portray themselves as some kind of hero or SJW bullshit, and you KNOW that's true on the majority of described instances. Please, if I'm so wrong, tell me how, other than saying "decent people with friends care about who's being a dick" when the point is that NOBODY HAS EVER BEEN PHYSICALLY HURT by anything The Amazing Atheist has done. I know I'm harsh and cynical, I've always been that way because I care more about real fucking people who have thicker skin than this bullshit and are capable of seeing reason outside of "society is perfectly black and white and it's supposed to operate EXACTLY like I think it should" whereas I'm saying "nothing is sacred, the world is a mess of gray and nobody knows all the answers, including me, especially me, because I had to say that so you could lower your blood pressure back down, because I knew it shot through the roof the moment you read 'nobody knows all the answers' thinking that I was going to exclude myself from everyone else like the moron you were hoping for me to be" the best reply so far has basically been "he made an unacceptable rape joke once". Give me a fucking break dude, it's just a joke. My father was a homeless man who died about a month ago, do you think I give a rat's ass about any hobo jokes that are being made all over the country right this second?? Fuck no. BECAUSE I'M NOT A SILLY LITTLE BABY. As a matter of fact, Go, give me your best hobo joke and stick around to see if I get my panties in a wad. I dare you, it'll be fun! Bully me, and downvote me into oblivion, please I'm begging you entitled fucks to do so, just so I can relish in the thought that doing that to me will ACTUALLY make you feel better. Or! Say, "no, I won't stoop down to your level and bully you" like you're some kind of modern day moral crusader. Haa, give me a fucking break. I love the USA and all, but we're doing just about everything ass-backwards right now. I'm a born and bred American, the only difference is that I have no "pride" concerning my citizenship, mainly because I think nationalistic pride in general is utterly retarded on all levels for two reasons, 1: we're all stuck on this third rock from the Sun together, meaning that nations are pathetically arbitrary on a cosmic scale. 2. America isn't number one in anything overtly positive, but we are number 1 in the world when it comes to incarcerating our own citizens! Huzzah! Murica'!

I've spent my entire life, entering into as many scenarios as possible under the assertion that humans are inherently FALLIBLE, including MYSELF, I enter with a few introductory thoughts like "what are they doing wrong?" "What am I doing wrong?" "What's wrong here?" "Why is this being done wrongly". Because when I was a kid I remember being immensely frustrated with my parents and one day thinking "I'm gonna spend the rest of my life from here on out, desperately searching for where we've gone wrong as a species, because this shit seriously sucks, we are doing SO SO SO much very badly and the last thing I ever want, Is to moronically have children that end up being just as disappointed with their father, and the world they were forced into as I am with mine, and the world I see around me" I just want to make the world a better place, and in my mind, it starts by getting people to grow thicker skins so they don't get offended over stupid bullshit before they ever get to talking about, and solving real issues, instead of WASTING EVERYBODY'S TIME WITH YOUR SORRY, ENTITLED FUCKING FEELINGS. "Woah, dudebro, are you like, PMS'ing?" cue the morons in support of more absent-brained comments, because real issues are no fun dude, and you totally are pms'ing, hahahaha I live in a big stupid world full of stupid people that label you with a "snobby, snarky, narcissistic fuck that thinks he's superior to everyone else" tag, whenever you make a point that doesn't ever seem to reasonably get refuted logically. Just because I think I'm smarter than some people doesn't mean I think I'm smarter than ALL people, trust me, I keep that thought of "human fallibility" firmly planted in the back of my head at all times, with the finger pointed at myself and why do I keep it there? BECAUSE IT HELPS TO AVOID MISTAKES IMMENSELY IF YOU CAN FIRST ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF MAKING THEM. You people don't realize that all my life people have been telling me that I'm too hard on myself, I seriously don't hold high expectations for other people, life taught me that, but I often times hold myself unreasonably scrutinous standards, and get pissed whenever I don't do something perfectly. Like this very reply, I honestly don't think I've done very well at all when it comes to articulating my thoughts to perfection, but I have an opinion (like everybody else) and you're gonna hear it goddamnit. I just feel like I'm the one tedious, meticulous guy, in a world full of page skimmers.

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