Reddit, whats your roommate horror story?

ok so I'm gonna confess in my own thread as I'm (accomplice) to a roommate horror story.

I've lived with countless people over the years but never lived with anyone overly bad. During my final year of college I lived in a house with a 5 other people. Lived with 4 of these guys for the entire college year. The 5 person was like the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts - constantly changing. So here goes, the 5 of us start college in September and we were expecting a 6th guy - friend from home - to move in a week later. Turns out he didnt get into college so we got a guy to take his room on week 2. We had a huge houseparty for one of the guys 21st birthday about 2 weeks later - on a Tuesday. Due to the craziness of the party and the mess of the house Replacement No. 1 moved out friday. Then we got Replacement No. 2. He was a cool guy but wasn't no college. He worked in the city. He lasted until Christmas and moved out just because we were on a different lifestyle to him and he didn't feel part of the group.

New Year, Replacement No. 3 and here is where I show our true colours. This guy was a foreign exchange mature student. He was also vegetarian (yes this detail is relevant to the story). He joined us for my 21st birthday houseparty which was massive. House was destroyed, neighbours complained, police were called, etc. Replacement No. 3 had a great time even though also no one knew him. Next week, relations go south. House was never eally cleaned after my birthday so it looked/smelled/tasted awful. One night, been drunk college students we take his frying pan - being a vegetarian he had his own frying pan so he wouldn't have to share one used for meat with us - and cook up loads of bacon in it. Needless to say he wasn't impressed. Another night not long after, some friends of ours were over and using his frying pan as a bat, hit several small beers bottles off the livingroom walls, breaking several lights and destroying his frying pan. Several days later we get a letter from the landlord saying Replacement No. 3 'feared for his health' and moved out.

Cue Replacement No. 4. At this stage the college year was almost over and we were all broke, burnt out and had end of year exams coming up. Replacement No. 4 was rarely seen and his stay was uneventful.

So ya, me and 4 of my friends are the roommate horror story in my life

/r/AskReddit Thread