Redditers... what is the #1 thing that you will never forget that happened to you or you seen happen in elementary school?

In high school, all of my friends knew I hated bullies. I'd always fight back, mostly verbally, sometimes physically. If someone tried to fuck with me or someone innocent, I went full-on-Batman on their ass and either kicked it or outsmarted them. Anyway, this one time a big kid (5-6 inches over me and at least a 50 pound difference,) let's call him Dumbfuck, took this girls schoolwork and wouldn't give it back. I figured I would see how it played out before I stepped in, so I waited. He laughed for a few seconds and then dropped all of her stuff on the floor before walking away. I went over and helped her pick her things up. So, a few hours later, I went to English class. Guess who sat in front of me; that's right! Dumbfuck! And the girl was in the class, too, just a few rows over. The English teacher was down the hall talking with the other teachers (they did that every day for a few minutes between classes,) and Dumbfuck decided to mess with her again. He went over and took her binder and went back to his seat while she pleaded for it back. I leaned forward and told him to give it back to her or we'll have a problem. He laughed and said some dumb shit to me, then swiped my binder off of my desk. I calmly told him to give it back and he held it up, then pulled it back when I reached for it. I was starting to get pissed off by then. He held it up again but I didn't reach for it, I just stared at him. Then, Dumbfuck really fucked up and pushed the binder into my face and, pretty much instantly, I pushed the binder down, stood up, and socked him right in his stupid face. He was fucking terrified and did absolutely nothing when I took my stuff back and gave the girl her things. The teacher walked in a minute later and everyone acted like nothing happened. A couple days later, the girl found me at my locker and said Dumbfuck hasn't even looked at her since I punched him. She said thanks and gave me a hug. We kinda flirted with each other in class for the rest of the year. I liked her, I'm 99% sure she liked me, but I didn't get to do anything about it since I stopped going to that school after that year.

/r/AskReddit Thread