A Redditor shows how many child abuse rings there are in Britian by linking them

  1. Owners posting photos of kids tied/taped hands with weird comments like "mmm more" or " can't wait!"

  2. Their logo had the symbol associated with "boy lovers". I'm a forensic scientist in my police Dept. And we've seen a lot of cases involving users on forums hiding this symbol in their avatars or chats.

The day this was pointed out, the logo was changed. Not fishy at all...

  1. Reporters who investigated the Clinton foundations involvement and alleged trafficking in Haiti went missing. Family wanted answers

  2. Leaked emails had topics like "I left a map at your house that got messy, could you have the cleaners come clean up?". Or "Man that pasta From last Christmas just filled me right up!" These are common code words we see all the time like Cheese pizza, etc.

  3. Anthony Weiner, husband to Clintons top aide. Was caught with child pornography and sexting minors....seems like he thought being in their company would help him get away with it.

Can't remember much more, because it was banned and most results on Google dismiss it completely.

I don't believe most of it, but to say there wasn't anything weird going on would be wrong. Or you came to Reddit afterward and hear it talked about like it was some Boston bomber witchunt.

/r/bestof Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com