Redditors of Europe who are witnessing the "migrant crisis" what is the mood like of the locals in your country? And how has it affected you?

You could have swapped out Sweden and replaced it with Canada twenty years ago. It's a sentiment that many people feel when they work hard and see others come to their country and seemingly receive everything while earning nothing. There are still some people that resent the refugees that we took in from the wars in Bosnia, Somalia, and other war torn countries in the 90's, but it's important to remember the situation that these people left.

Keep in mind that most of these people are not free loaders, and if there was some means of them earning their keep, I'm sure they would. They are merely seeking a safe place to live while their homes are being decimated by factors beyond their control. Unfortunately, for those people that earn at or below the poverty line, there is a feeling of abandonment from the government to which they pay taxes, particularly when they see non-tax payers receiving more than they do. That being said, part of the responsibility of taking in refugees is keeping them safe while they are in your care, and that includes providing food, clothing, housing, and medical care. These are all expenses that we have to pay for, and to see others getting it for free doesn't seem fair.

I would submit to you that if they were made to work in order to receive refugee status in your country, you would complain about how they're taking all of the jobs (seen it first hand here...), so that isn't an alternative either. Ultimately, I would urge you to ask yourself "If I was in a similar situation due to circumstances beyond my control, how would I want the citizens of the country that took me in to treat me?" Your country is doing the right (noble) thing here, and you should be proud of the work that you are doing for a population that are in a bad situation right now.

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