Redditors of Florida, how has your employer handled the impending wrath of Hurricane Irma regarding your personal preparations and evacuation?

Finally a question I can personally contribute plentiful to. Im a little upset at my employers action, or lack therefore of.

I work for a small but very successful business in a department dealing with water(sprinklers, etc) I dont want to go into too much detail for privacy reasons.basically im the only office attendant and I have 2 bosses and about 10 to 15 service technicians. And thats the entire company.

I am the only female employeed in this company, irrelevant maybe, but it also shows how bullheaded these men are. All are hard laboring blue collar tan Florida men.

My boss believes that this hurricane will basically be like a glorified rain storm. Hes pushing us not only to work but to work harder and later since the sprinkler/landscape business isn't exactly thriving this week due to the hurricane. Pretty much I have no choice but to go to work Friday and Monday. I do love my boss, he is an amazing caring guy, but when he puts his foot down it may as well have cement poured over it.

I know that the path of the hurricane keeps changing. And as of right now it should not be on top of us or even close. But I still feel that when half the city leaves, its a big deal.

My personal opinion is to stay and hole up in my apartment, I would have loved to have Friday off to beat the crowds down at the local Walmart, hopefully my out of town boyfriend has been stocking up, because I havent had the time to. Good luck to all my fellow floridians! Ill be bunkering down as well as a good amount of you will be.

/r/AskReddit Thread