Redditors, what is a true ghost story that you've experienced?

I have a really bad sleeping pattern, especially during holidays and weekends. One night i was awake at about 5am just shutting everything down to get to bed, as soon as i close my laptop and the room is dark, a light shines on the other side of my room (about the size of how big you can make a circle by putting your hands together). It didn't light up anything around it like an orb or something like that, but it felt like it was just a light shining right at my face. It lasted about 5 seconds before it went away so i immediately got up and checked the other side of the room for any lights or things that could have lit up momentarily, but the only light in my room comes from the ceiling light. That specific light bothers me more than anything else that happens but after that more started happening in the house which both me and my parents experienced, some of which we experienced individually and some of which we all herd. Most of it was typical stuff such as things banging in the kitchen late at night, hearing doors slam then when you would check on it the door would be wide open, hearing shelves close or tv's turn on. However some things happened that were a little more "extreme": My dad used to wake up in the middle of the night and from where he was lying could see lights floating around in my sisters room across the hall (she was away at university and never experienced a single thing despite so much happening to the rest of the family). He woke up to this multiple times but never went in to see what it was because he got "bad vibes" from them. Also one night really late i was up listening to music in my room (about 5am again) when i herd somebody walking up and down the hallway from one end to the other, but the footsteps sounded different from the rest of my family (anybody that lives in an old house knows what their mom and dad sound like walking down the hallway because a difference of 30 pounds sounds completely different). The footsteps sounded very light and almost like somebody was walking weird. I didn't think about it too much until the next day while driving me to school my dad just looked at me and said "so did you hear the footsteps too?" He herd them at about 7am, and checked my room only to see me still asleep. Since my mom sleeps right next to him and was obviously still there we have zero idea what happened. The footsteps night was the very last thing to happen to us, and it went from constantly hearing things in the night to having absolutely nothing happen since.

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