Redditors who became overweight practically overnight, how did you handle the sudden change?

I had a pretty shitty few years in my late teens and went from 180lbs, to 120lbs, then up to 250lbs in less than six months. Most of the time was a blur, to be honest, but I do remember the day I realized I was fat. I got out of the shower, and put on the size 40 pants my brother had given me, and I could no longer close them. It seriously hurt, a lot.

When you have sudden weight gain, your whole torso becomes one giant stretch mark. Stretch marks are itchy, and can hurt when you apply pressure to them. They are an odd purple color, which makes them super noticeable too. They are not fun, and mine have never gone away. Your whole body tends to hurt in general, though. My knees still haven't forgiven me, and probably never will. And the pressure in my chest that made it hard to breathe, THAT was terrifying the first few times it happened.

I basically gave up on my social life and locked myself in my bedroom for years. I had minimum contact with the outside world, and don't even remember much of the years that followed. It was a very dark time, and I only got out of it because of a wonderful person that I'm not even sure really existed at this point.

After that whole thing, I managed to lose a great deal of the weight through cycling, and now I'm just stuck with a ton of excess skin and stretch marks everywhere. I basically look like I'm 8 months pregnant, yet I'm a 28 year old guy. I got down to 160 pounds through diet and exercise, yet the excess skin kept me looking fat, so I gave up on the diet part. I eat anything and everything I want, and my 24 mile a day work commute keeps me from putting on weight, but I am on the chubby side.

0/10 I do not recommend choosing food and hiding. It does not solve your problems, and will make you look pregnant for the rest of your life.

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