Is Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism as aspect of U.S. politics today?

Not a single one of those countries is safe or stable. Many have been involved in bitter war within the last 3 decades. Their eceonomies are all in shambles. The ONLY reason Turkey is better off is because of their EFTA member status and even so Erdogan is constantly trying to incorporate islamism into government.

And those who aren't generally declare Islam as the state religion and are quite similar to conservative Americans who somehow think that America is "God's kingdom" and that we should somehow be enforcing "Christian family values".

Christian family values have fostered the freedom we all now enjoy in the west. How do you not understand this?

Conservatives are the same everywhere.

Not at all. Islamic conservatives deny women the most basic freedoms and choices. They deny women full equal rights to inheritance, divorce, property ownership, and freedom of religion. They require women to have four witnesses to a rape to even be given somewhat fair consideration in the courts. There are MASSIVE differences between islamic conservatives and christian conservatives. Namely a respect for other beliefs, even when in the majority, that makes islamic majority nations look like oppressive theocracies by direct comparison.

That is why progressives in Turkey oppose them fiercely.

Not really. See Erdogan for why you are totally wrong.

Obviously, theocracies exist in the Muslim world as well but only 2 or 3 of them. Saudi Arabia, Iran maybe Brunei.

Saudi Arabia is a Monarchy. Iran is a theocratically guided democracy. Brunei is so small it isnt statistically significant considering 1.5 billion people are islamic.

The remaining countries in the Muslim majorty world don't have democracy and are ruled by Western supported dictators.

Really? Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, North Africa in general are not this way. Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lybia have all seen western involvement in ousting dictators. And what about Oman and Yemen and UAE and Kuwait and Quatar?

Tell me one western supported dictator in power right now in the Islamic world.

So it's ridiculous to throw the whole Islamic world in the same pot and pretend as if 1.5 billion people are a monolith.

It isnt ridiculous. It is statistical fact.

And Muslims are? What exactly is your problem with a Muslim holding a position of power?

I dont have a problem with a muslim being put into power because it will never happen. Christians in office is nothing new throughout the entirety of western european history and US history. And somehow, in that same time frame, the muslim world is centuries behind in regard to basic human rights and equality compared to the west. Clearly christians arent the problem. The fact that people can make fun of christians and be outspoken against christianity without the threat of death is just one example of that. Show me a single muslim majority country where you can draw a picture of mohammed without fearing for your life? One where you can trash islam in the press without fear for your life? I can do that all day to a christians face. Cant do that to muslims though. So what makes you think Islam is tolerant and moderate again? Check out that pew research. It shows all you need to know.

Just because Saudi Arabia has horrible laws, doesn't necessarily mean that that individual Muslim person would decide to get rid of the constitution and implement total fascism?

All of the arab world and southeast asia mulsim countries have horrible laws. All of them.

By that logic, Muslims also can't be lawyers or judges, or be the CEO of any company as well. A ridiculous proposition.

No. Not by that logic. I dont think you understand logic.

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