Redditors who have completely dropped your old life and started anew somewhere else, how is your life now?

It is pretty amazing and heading in a good direction. I did 2 major moves so far with different results. The first was to college, hundreds of miles away. And really that is where my problems began emerging. See I really just picked a mildly satisfying degree, I didn't know what I wanted to do. This was great and all for the first two years, but by the time Junior year started things began taking a turn sideways. I was becoming depressed and jaded with my choice, there really was no opportunity for grads it seemed and my life began self-destructing a bit. I didn't care for school so I flunked out. The next year I stayed in the area mostly for my friend base as I contemplated my next move. See when you flunk out of college there usually is a minimum period where you have to wait before you can re-enroll. During this time I began drinking a lot more (almost daily) and became super depressed: I'd rarely get out of my bed if I didn't have to. The point came where I began realizing how some of my so-called friends were actually really toxic and emotionally manipulative.

On the same front I'd had a problem that sort of encompassed everything since I was 17. Basically my hair began falling out and at the start it wasn't a big thing. I'd get teased but, I thought, who didn't? The point came where I was so low I began teasing and hating myself during that year after I flunked out of college. When you compound that with the negative people I had surrounded myself with it naturally escalated.

Eventually everything came to a head. I shaved that shit off, and became a bald man. It was liberating. I drastically altered my appearance and began caring about me again. People didn't even recognize me. At the same point I realized my toxic friendships were going nowhere. So I offered one or two more hangouts to see where things were going - they weren't going anywhere positive. So I up and left without telling anyone.

I moved closer to my family and restarted college in a different city for a different program, one I was more interested in. I bought a car and basically restarted my life. This time things went a lot better. I was older, but wiser. More selective of people who I spend time with - and I cared about school. Eventually I graduated, all the while launching my business on the side. I've been out of school for a year and a bit, and so far it's doing great. I get to follow my passion and earn a really great income doing so. I wouldn't trade in the bad times, because they forced me to become who I am supposed to be.

/r/AskReddit Thread