Redditors with excelling siblings, how do you feel about their accomplishments?

I'm the youngest of five children (I'm 30). All of us are doing just fine, but two of my siblings are very successful. My successful brother went through hell and high water to earn a master's degree despite having a young family, no money, and severe dyslexia, among other challenges. He's now earning well into six figures, and has a really amazing career. My successful sister breezed through school with an abnormally high IQ, scholarships and grants. She now earns about 80K, but I have no doubt that she'll be earning much more than that in the near future. I have a master's degree and I'm doing well, but I don't earn as much a as her.

I'm going to sound like a twat, but I'm really only happy for my brother. The odds were stacked against him, most people would have given up and settled for less. Not only was he raising young children with very little income while working and studying, he nearly died in an accident right in the middle of earning his degree. His dyslexia meant he had to study harder than his classmates, spending extra time on homework and staying after class for tutoring. He's maintained an amazing attitude and positive energy throughout his life, and he deserves every penny he has and more. My sister, on the other hand, is elitist and snobby. She is incredibly narcissistic about her intelligence and success. She thinks anyone who isn't as educated as she is a worthless piece of garbage, looks down on poor people, and wouldn't think twice a about swindling someone to make a buck. Sadly, this attitude will likely take her far in the corporate world. I have no doubt she will be as wealthy as she chooses to be. I want her to be happy, but it's hard to be happy for her because of her shitty attitude.

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