Redditors with toddlers, what’s the most recent illogical breakdown they’ve had?

I don't have kids (I'm 13) but my age also means I can remember various events from as early as preschool.

Obviously a lot of drama turning playtime. I remember at the end of the day we got about 45 minutes to play with all the toys. Everyone's favorite, of course, was the marble set, but only 5 kids at a time could play with the marbles. Soon enough some brat would break your marble run and claim that he "needed that piece". :/ So eventually a kid would leave bc they're bored with it and want to play with something else, but as soon as another kid rushes to take their spot, they immediately want to play with the marbles again and SCREECH at them to gtfo.

This caused a lot of fighting daily, bc the same shit happened on the playground with swings. As soon as you got up from the swing it was like someone teleported behind you to plop their butt in your seat, and if they were an older kid they'd probably just push you out of the swing before you were done anyways.

Being in middle school now I'm glad we don't have recess anymore (mostly for weather reasons, it's been cold as Frosty's tits outside and if they temperature was above 0°F we went outside) but also because it was just a bunch of hell hound kids running loose every where.

/r/AskReddit Thread