Regarding all this All-Nominees-are-White bullshit that's circulating the rounds now

ITT: White OP pretending to be "person of color"

Ah, the old right-wing practice of blaming the victim for being/feeling victimized:


  1. Fox News - "We don't do stories on black issues because we know black people will automatically take our story "out of context" and twist our words to fit their victim agenda".

  2. On women - "Women ask to be raped if they wear revealing clothing and act friendly towards men. Men can't be blamed for reacting - it's biological. And besides, the Bible says women are the root of all evil and should be subservient to men. They deserve to be raped."

  3. On families of dead soldiers mourning their loss - "How dare they put on these displays of mourning. These soldiers could have chosen another safer profession. They knew what they were getting into. It's their fault they died, plus they mostly come from poor backgrounds so why should their lives be mourned as if it was any special loss?"

  4. On slavery - "How was slavery wrong? The slaves should have been grateful that they were fed and clothed for free."

  5. On the Holocaust - "They deserved it. Jews killed Jesus."

Funny how right-wingers ridicule others for feeling persecuted when right-wingers are the most incessant complainers:

  1. "Why is evolution being taught in schools? Fossils were planted by Satan!"

  2. "Why hasn't the U.S. hasn't adopted Christianity as its official religion and why isn't prayer mandatory in public schools?"

Nevermind that the first colonists were Protestants who fled Britain in order to be able to...practice freedom of religion escaping what they perceived as persecution by a Catholic Church of England.

  1. "Why should I have to pay taxes? It's my money. I earned, I should get to keep it all."

Yes, because I'm sure the amount of recompense you receive is an actual true reflection of how essential your role is in society.

  1. "France didn't join us in Iraq! Change "french fries" to "freedom fries"!" This is particularly hilarious...


Ah, right-wingers are such little bullies and hypocrites. Too funny. How enthusiastically they enjoy hurting others, but when they get hurt they cry like little bitches lol lol.

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