Regarding Gender Representation / Female-Oriented Content in FGO

It's been about a day since posting, and I just want to say how thankful I am to the people who've taken this topic seriously, especially those who've also been pushing back against the toxic behavior in this thread. I didn't expect any support when I first posted this, but I was getting tired of seeing the same arguments made over and over again to justify the notion that female-oriented content is unnecessary in FGO. They were reminiscent of arguments made to discredit female opinions when it comes to gaming in general, and that made them even worse for me. I figured that if my post could let just one other person know that they weren't alone in wanting to push back, that would be enough for me.

I mentioned this before in one of my earlier comments, but when I posted this, I was worried that it would just be flooded with insults from people who would downvote anything from anyone who even entertained the notion of a male summer servant. For a while, that was pretty much the case. But I still tried to stay as respectful as possible and keep the discussions going, hoping that if I showed a willingness to be patient and listen, others would as well. The fact that this post is now 67% upvoted (and that my comments haven't all been downvoted to oblivion) makes me feel like that really paid off.

This is going to sound so sappy, but I don't really have any female friends who share my interests (video games, anime, etc.), and I always expect to be in the minority when it comes to things like female representation or female-oriented content. Even if it's just on Reddit, seeing people actually showing support for those things in FGO, especially given that it's a waifu game, is a big deal to me. So again, thank you.

/r/grandorder Thread